Friday, December 7, 2012

Happy Weekend!

edited to add- There's been so many disheartening things in the news lately that it just makes blogging feel trivial. Not that I didn't already know that, but when I feel actual guilt in blogging trivial things that obviously doesn't feel good. Anyone else ever feel that way? I mean I read blogs just to entertain myself and if that makes me feel good that's great and if mine ever makes someone feel good then that's a goal accomplished. 


  1. Definitely feel like that every now and then.

  2. It makes me feel good.
    I am finishing a translation (385 pages!) and that's all I do since I wake up-too early-until I go to bed-too late- and I haven't had the chance so see how the weather was for the past week. Honestly, to open your blog is like a breath of fresh air!


    ps. Being trivial is not necessarily something bad...

  3. Thanks MJ! There's just been stuff that's been going on lately that's made me more emotional than usual that made me feel bad about being so superficial sometimes.

  4. You never know how something will touch someone, what will cheer them up, how you might help them, even with a 'trivial' post! Thanks for all you do. I just found your blog a few weeks ago, and I adore it. :)

  5. It's OK to feel trivial, it's probably your only defense to everything that's wrong with the world! Being trivial is NECESSARY! Just not all the time. Plus, your blog makes me happy! And, although I'm a film critic, it makes me feel totally clueless - how comes I haven't even heard of half the films on here???? It's an EDUCATION!!! Happy Christmas


  6. Thanks Des! Cool to know that a film critic reads my blog. :)
