Monday, February 11, 2013

I feel like I should hate Valentine's Day since I'm forever alone, but I don't. Maybe it's because pink and red are two of my favorite color combos, I really like chocolate, and I don't think holidays have to be that important if you don't want them to be.

Here are my favorite romances:

1. The Apartment
2. Before Sunrise
3. Notorious 
4. Sleepless In Seattle
5. Brief Encounter
6. Blue Valentine (I know this one is a real bummer, but I still think it's romantic).

What are yours?

*usually all screen caps are my own, but these were all found on Google images.


  1. So many of the movies on your list look like they'd be good. I must check them out.

    My favorites are Kitty Foyle, the Apartment, anything with Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire, To Have and Have Not, and Midnight in Paris. Well, there are more as I seem to watch more romantic comedies/dramas than anything else, but I'll stop now.

    Happy early Valentine's Day!

  2. I like "Blue Valentine" too.
    There are so many romances that I love!
    Some of my favourite romantic movies are "The lake house", "Persuasion", "Breakfast at Tiffany's" and all with Audrey Hepburn. But the most wonderful is "Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain". =)

  3. I love another Michelle Williams indie, Take This Waltz. Also Roman Holiday, Chocolat, and Pride and Prejudice (BBC Version with Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle).
